---------------------------------------- Leepa-Rattner Museum of Art Virtual Tour version 1.12 ---------------------------------------- The Leepa-Rattner Museum of Art Virtual Tour is a collaboration between the Leepa-Rattner Museum of Art and St. Petersburg College's Educational Technology Department. Flash Design & Actionscripting: William Haun Slide Scanning and Image Correction: Mary Kennedy and William Haun ---------------------------------------- HOW TO USE THE VIRTUAL TOUR ---------------------------------------- WINDOWS USERS: This CD-ROM should run the Virtual Tour automatically upon insertion into the computer's CD-ROM drive. If it does not automatically open, open Windows Explorer and select the CD-ROM drive the disc was inserted into. Double-click the file entitled "Leepa-RattnerVirtualTour.exe". MACINTOSH USERS: Double-click the CD-ROM drive the disc was inserted into. Double-click the file entitled "ClickHeretoStart.html". Note to Mactintosh users: The Flash Player plugin is required for your web browser to use the Virtual Tour. It can be downloaded for free at http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer/ . ---------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT INFORMATION ---------------------------------------- Copyright © 2004 Leepa-Rattner Museum of Art. All rights reserved. All graphics and photograps on this CD-ROM are the exclusive property of the Leepa-Rattner Musuem of Art and cannot be duplicated without the express permission of the Leepa-Rattner Musuem of Art. Leepa-Rattner Musuem of Art, the Leepa-Rattner Musuem of Art logo, St. Petersburg College, and the St. Petersburg College seal are either registered trademarks or trademarks of St. Petersburg College in the United States and/or other countries. Macromedia, Flash MX, and the Flash logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Macromedia in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft, Windows, the Windows logo, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ---------------------------------------- UPDATES AND CHANGES ---------------------------------------- version 1.12 - major modifications for use online - broke panoramas into modular units that load on request - created pre-loaders for panoramas - added bandwidth selection for online version - created hi & low versions of all images - input wall text for all art pieces version 1.11 - added Vintage Paris Poster images & text - updated 5th Annual Student Exhibit & Jazz Photographer text version 1.10 - added 2 more Rotating Exhibits - created a menu screen for selecting the Rotating Exhibit - converted all Art pieces info to pull from XML document artinfo.xml - streamlined Actionscript with movePan function in data.as - fixed Rotating Exhibit #3, Paris Posters to do full 360, despite being only 270 degree pan Version 1.03 - added info for 2 artpieces - locked swf to protect from import - increased JPG image quality to 100% for CD-ROM version Version 1.02 - Main Lobby panorama reshot and restitched - added 6 new artpiece images - "Loading Image" bug on vertical pieces fixed - cursor icon legend added above panoramas Version 1.01 - CPU usage during image panning was reduced by 50% solving sluggish motion issue on slower computers - added 10 new artpiece images - made Image View "close" button smaller and more obvious to improve useability - changed 3D floorplan motion tweens to Brightness fades from Alpha to further reduce CPU usage